How To Give Support

If you know someone who has experienced sexual violence, it can be difficult to know what to say and how to help. Below are some suggestions to effectively support your student, friend, or loved one. 


  1. Believe them. When someone discloses an experience of sexual violence, it is not the time to interrogate or question the validity of their claim. Rather, it is a time to hear and believe them.

Crisis Services

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides free confidential psychological services for currently enrolled U of M undergraduate and graduate students. These services include support for students experiencing a crisis or urgent situation. The following is a list of crisis services provided by CAPS. Consultation with CAPS is available if help is needed in determining what service fits for your need.

When And Where Do We Meet?

Fall/Winter 2023-2024:

  1. Weekly - Mondays 6-7pm - Committee, Mason Hall
  2. Monthly - Tuesdays 6-7pm - General body
    1. 9/19 (Mason)
    2. 10/24 (Parker Room in Union)
    3. 11/28 (Parker)

CAPS 101 (CIA)

What is CAPS 101?

In order to engage the campus community to help students take positive pathways to achieve mental health and wellness, CAPS 101 is a presentation led by CAPS in Action members explaining the basics of the University of Michigan Counseling and Psychological Services to different organizations on campus.

If you would like a CAPS 101 for your student group, please contact: [email protected]

CAPS 101 will be presented virtually this Fall due to COVID.

Sexualized Violence

Sexual violence does not discriminate. Both survivors and perpetrators come from all genders, cultures, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, socio-economic status, and religions. Sexual violence is defined as any unwanted sexual contact or interaction and can include:

CIA Committees

There are 3 different committees in CAPS in Action:

Events Committee: Oversees and plans CIA’s events throughout the year including, but not limited to, tabling events, social events, and partnership events with CAPS staff.

Blue Logs

BLUE Logs is a platform where students can share their stories of mental health struggles and help let others know they are not alone to help decrease stigma around mental health. Be on the lookout for future articles!

If you are interested in submitting a piece to BLUE Logs, please refer to the criteria below and the revision process before submitting.

What We've Done In The Past

CIA History
CIA has done a lot! To get an idea of the kinds of projects and events we take on, here are some examples:

Past Projects:

  • Video series - “Real Stories of Leaders at their Best” - interviews with students and faculty about their experiences with mental health 

  • Letter to the Michigan Daily explaining how faculty can support student mental health