As students enter into the exciting yet challenging times of the university years, families and students must navigate a variety of transitions. It is normal for students to experience anxiety as they make adjustments to university life and the many changes they are experiencing. The staff at CAPS are available to help students have a successful and growth promoting experience at the University of Michigan.
Our goal is to provide you with information and support that might assist you in helping your family member who may need mental health services or support while they are a student at the University of Michigan.
If you are concerned about your student and want to recommend counseling support for them at CAPS, we encourage you to look at all the free, confidential counseling options available to them as a first step in finding appropriate help for your student. Please explore our website for further tips and resources available at the University of Michigan. We encourage you to call CAPS at 734.764.8312 during open hours for further assistance.
Eligibility for our services extends to currently enrolled University of Michigan students (undergrad and grad) as well as to their family members or significant others when seen with students.
As a parent, it is completely understandable that you would want to know specifics about the therapeutic content and/or services that your student might be participating in at CAPS. However, confidentiality in the mental health arena is a professionally and legally complex issue.
Treating information confidentially means not releasing any information to parents or loved ones, including whether a student has made an appointment or attended sessions at CAPS, without their signed written consent. Our staff keenly recognizes that this may be difficult however we are legally and ethically required to maintain these standards of confidentiality.
What may be helpful to know is that in most instances, students are more than willing to sign a release of information that would allow the therapist to discuss their situation or concerns with their parent(s) or loved one(s).
However, for any number of personal reasons, there are students who are not willing to sign a release of information. In these situations, we uphold privacy concerns consistent with professional guidelines and mental health laws. If you have questions about this don't hesitate to contact us.
CAPS has a diverse staff with regard to race/ethnicity, country of origin, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, age, professional discipline, theoretical orientations and intervention approaches. We have clinical social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, post doctorate and post MSW fellows, graduate level psychology and social work interns and support staff that all contribute to providing excellent mental health services for students.
Our staff is also available to you for consultation by calling our office at 734.764.8312 and asking to speak to the Counselor on Duty. We can offer support and suggestions to you as you try to help your student get the mental health treatment they need.
A referral to CAPS should be considered when you believe a student's problems go beyond your own experience, or when you feel uncomfortable helping a student with some issue. You can help by telling the student that they can go to CAPS. They will need to fill out intake information and then make an appointment for as soon as possible. If the student is in crisis and needs to see someone on the same day, they can indicate their need to see the “Counselor on Duty.”