Election Stress: Michigan Daily Article

On Novermber 3rd, 2016, the Michigan Daily covered CAPS efforts and perspective on election-related stress. In addition to interviewing students, two CAPS staff members offered their perspective on trends and support available on campus.

Mishelle Rodriguez, CAPS staff psychologist and Coordinator of Social Media, offers these thoughts:

Michigan Daily Article: Faculty Must Address Mental Health

CAPS In Action (CIA), a new student organization within the University's Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) that “puts the CAPS initiatives in action," shared their thoughts on how faculty at UM can support mental health in an article that was published in the Michigan Daily.

CIA shared three suggestions including this experience from one of it's members:

Michigan Alumnus Magazine Article: Helping and Healing

CAPS is featured in the recent Michigan Alumnus Magazine article "Helping and Healing."  The article describes CAPS recent efforts to address stigma and meet student needs, an increase of UM mental health student organizations, and campus events focused on mental health.  

The recent work of the CAPS Student Advisory Board and CAPS In Action were also highlighted in this article, as well as student experiences of overcoming their own mental health challenges.

Find the full article HERE.


Special Focus On International Student Support

Given the recent immigration restrictions, and concerns around further restrictions, it is not uncommon to be feeling a range of complex feelings, including fear, uncertainty, anger and sadness, that make it difficult to focus on everyday life demands.  CAPS is here to help. We know that these events have affected many of you, be it as a direct target or as someone who cares about how this is negatively affecting your friends and classmates.
We are here to help you and ​are offering various services:

Michigan Daily Features CAPS Suicide Prevention

In a recent Michigan Daily article, "CAPS expands programs, releases new suicide prevention videos," Kaela Theut (Daily Staff Reporter), describes CAPS recent and previous work in suicide prevention at UM.  

Theut shared highlights from the new videos released by CAPS, as well as comments from CAPS Coordinator of Suicide Prevention, Jamye Banks Ph.D.

CAPS Services: A Video From CAPS Student Advisory Board

Counseling and Psychological Services is excited to share with you a new video conceived, planned, written, and acted by our 2016-17 CAPS Student Advisory Board. This video focuses on the variety of ways in which UM students may struggle with mental health and the multiple ways in which CAPS provides services. We are very proud of the work our SAB has accomplished this year and this video is one of the highlights. 

CAPS Featured on BCTV Live

Todd Sevig, Director, and Christine Asidao, Associate Director for Community Engagement and Outreach, were recently featured on Bloomfield Township Cable Television.

They addressed issues related to college student mental health on a program called "Managing the Problems of Daily Living," hosted by Dr. Linda Sircus.

Find the full video HERE