Sample Schedule

Service Deliveryhours/week
Initial Consultation (IC)4
COD (crisis/consultation)2
Individual therapy~10
Group therapy2
Learning Supports
Individual supervision4
Supervision of group1
Multicultural seminar2
Practice Issues seminar1.5
Assessment/Process Group/ (Sept/Oct)2
 Supervision of Supervison (Jan-Apr)1.5
Clinical Team1
Professional development2
Clinical records4
Staff meetings1.5
Work team1
Grand Total41.5

Evaluation process

Internship evaluations by individual supervisors are completed three times during the year (end of Fall, end of Winter, and end of the internship year) using both Likert-scale and qualitative items. Our in-house evaluations are competency based and reflect benchmarks established by the profession. CAPS supervisors do not complete additional departmental evaluations or sign/enter into training contracts. The Training Director sends a letter to the respective home institutions based on feedback from supervisors, seminar facilitators and other agency staff at the mid-year point (Feb/Mar) and then at the end of the internship year.

Application Information

Training Philosophy & Aims
Service Delivery
Learning Supports
Sample Schedule
Meet Our Staff
Applications Process
Current & Previous Interns
Internship Admissions, Support, and Initial Placement Data