Service Delivery | hours/week |
Initial Consultation (IC) | 4 |
COD (crisis/consultation) | 2 |
Outreach | 1 |
Individual therapy | ~10 |
Group therapy | 2 |
Total | ~19 |
Learning Supports | |
Individual supervision | 4 |
Supervision of group | 1 |
Multicultural seminar | 2 |
Practice Issues seminar | 1.5 |
Assessment/Process Group/ (Sept/Oct) | 2 |
Supervision of Supervison (Jan-Apr) | 1.5 |
Clinical Team | 1 |
Professional development | 2 |
Total | 15 |
Administration | |
Clinical records | 4 |
Staff meetings | 1.5 |
Work team | 1 |
Total | 6.5 |
Grand Total | 41.5 |
Evaluation process
Internship evaluations by individual supervisors are completed three times during the year (end of Fall, end of Winter, and end of the internship year) using both Likert-scale and qualitative items. Our in-house evaluations are competency based and reflect benchmarks established by the profession. CAPS supervisors do not complete additional departmental evaluations or sign/enter into training contracts. The Training Director sends a letter to the respective home institutions based on feedback from supervisors, seminar facilitators and other agency staff at the mid-year point (Feb/Mar) and then at the end of the internship year.
Application Information
Training Philosophy & Aims
Service Delivery
Learning Supports
Sample Schedule
Meet Our Staff
Applications Process
Current & Previous Interns
Internship Admissions, Support, and Initial Placement Data