The application process for all APA-accredited internships in Professional Psychology is entirely on-line; details can be found at
Intern Application
All applicants are required to be enrolled in an APA- or CPA-accredited doctoral program in counseling or clinical psychology and are expected to have completed by the internship's starting date: all doctoral course work; qualifying examinations; dissertation proposed by ranking deadline; and required practica (a minimum of 350 direct and 1000 total hours).
The dissertation proposal must be completed by the ranking deadline.
The electronic application will include:
- A cover letter articulating how your learning goals could be met through our specific internship here at the University of Michigan Counseling and Psychological Services
- A completed APPI
- Your Curriculum Vitae
- Three letters of recommendation, at least two of which describe your current clinical skills (only three are required, four are acceptable)
All applications are due on Friday November 1, 2024.
Intern Selection
Each year in early fall, the intern selection committee meets to review and discuss the criteria, program values and goals, and the selection process. Feedback sheets based on the APPI review and phone interview are developed. After application materials have been reviewed, potential interns are selected for a video or telephone interview. Significant attention is paid to how an applicant’s learning interests and needs match those offered by our training program.
Initial screening of application materials are completed by mid-December. CAPS follows the APPIC voluntary notification date for interviews. Selected applicants will be invited to arrange a video or phone interview in January. At least two members of the Selection Committee, in addition to the TD, participate in the video or phone interviews, which are approximately 45 minutes in length. CAPS utilizes video or phone interviews exclusively in an effort to minimize cost and hardship for applicants. Those who have been selected for a video or phone interview are welcome to arrange a visit to CAPS BEFORE the rank date, to help in their decision-making. In the interest of fairness, applicants’ interactions will be limited to staff and trainees who are not on the selection committee.
Interviews are usually conducted in the early weeks of January (3rd-20th). Follow-up contact with the Training Director via email or telephone or videochat is available to address any additional or specific questions that might arise. Confidential discussions on the internship experience can be scheduled with the interns who are not on the selection committee. Otherwise, CAPS will not initiate contact with any applicant until after the Match day.
CAPS internship program receives an average of 80 applicants per year and interviews are extended to approximately 35 applicants. We typically match with applicants from the top third of our rank order list.
Please direct any questions you might have to:
Dwaine S. Campbell, Ph.D.
Assistant Director of Psychology Training
University of Michigan Counseling & Psychological Services
530 S. State Street
Suite 4079
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1349
Phone: 734.764.8312
Fax: 734.763.0454
APPIC Computer Match
As a member of APPIC, we participate in the APPIC national computer matching porgram conducted by the National Matching Services, Inc. (NMS). All internship applicants must register with NMS to be eligible for placement with us.
Applicants can contact NMS for registration instructions at: APPIC Internship Matching Program
Additional information about the computer match can be obtained from the APPIC web site
This internship site agrees to abide by the APPIC policy that no person at this training facility will solicit, accept, or use any ranking-related information from any intern applicant.
Note: All new employees of the University of Michigan are required to successfully pass the University Police background check as a condition of employment.
Policy on Evaluations and Training Contracts: Internship evaluations are completed three times during the year using both Likert-scale and qualitative items. Our in-house evaluations are competency based and reflect benchmarks established by the profession. U of M CAPS staff do not complete additional departmental evaluations or sign/enter into training contracts.
Application Information
Training Philosophy & Aims
Service Delivery
Learning Supports
Sample Schedule
Meet Our Staff
Applications Process
Current & Previous Interns
Internship Admissions, Support, and Initial Placement Data