The Final Stretch: A Note To UM Students


The last weeks of a semester can be one of the most intense times for U-M students. CAPS makes end-of-semester adjustments to our services to best support your needs.  We want to make sure you are informed about our current services.

At this time, CAPS will work to meet your needs with consultation appointments and other end-of-semester services –

In addition, we at CAPS believe that it IS possible to perform at a high academic level AND to stay emotionally healthy.  As we head into the final stretch of the semester and academic year, making emotional well-being and overall wellness a priority can increase resiliency to stress and support success.

Try these tricks to help manage stress during “the final stretch":

  • Stay in balance and keep perspective – it's possible to do well academically and have a sense of emotional wellness even in this very busy time. Take breaks – even though it may feel like you are wasting time – research shows it actually improves your studying and effectiveness. Have some fun along the way. By achieving balance and perspective, you will feel more confident and put together which, in turn, will improve your performance. (See: Relaxation Videos)
  • Manage Your Mind – it’s possible to have your mind work for you instead of against you. When we get stressed and anxious, our thoughts tend to work against us. So, do a mental health check-in. Keep realistic expectations and pay attention to your negative self-talk. Being aware of this is the first step to changing it. (See: Perfectionism or Healthy Striver)
  • Manage Your Stress – it’s possible yet the trick is to find a plan that works for you. This takes a little experimenting and exploration. Check out the various things that work for people, and you’ll know pretty quickly what works for you. (See: My Busy Life)
  • Manage Your Time – it’s possible to have time even when it feels like there isn’t enough time. The key is to prioritize tasks by starting with the most important while using stress management and mind management, and things will then start to fall in place. You probably won’t have enough time to do everything you want to, so accepting that is a first step that ironically frees up some time. This is an important life skill so have fun learning how to do it! (See: Stress Management = Time Management)

Our best wishes for the rest of your semester!