Warning Signs

Warning Signs:

Is Suicide a Possibility?  While suicide can be difficult to predict, warning signs do exist. None of the following signs alone necessarily indicate suicidal potential, but the presence of several indicators, particularly if they indicate a change from the person’s usual mood and style of coping, deserve close attention.

  • Suicide threats or previous suicide attempts
  • Statements revealing a desire to die
  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  • Sudden changes in behavior
  • Persistent low mood, hopelessness, anxiety, withdrawal, desperation
  • Neglect of school work, personal grooming or other routine tasks.
  • Changes in physical health such as changes in sleep habits, appetite, weight, or energy level.
  • Personal crises and major losses or rejections.
  • Making final arrangements
  • Giving away prized possessions
  • Purchasing a gun or stockpiling pills
  • Perceived or actual lack of support
  • Academic concerns that may be experienced as failure
  • Lacking coping skills and feelings of Hopelessness
  • ​Identity concerns

Given this information, we want you to know about the resources and help that is available to you or someone you know who has thoughts of suicide.