Being A Mental Health Ally


What you think, what you believe about others and yourself, how you relate to those important to you, and how you manage distressing life situations all can impact the quality of your life.

Students usually come to U-M wanting to succeed academically and graduate so they can pursue a career that they have a passion for. However, there are many other facets of being a student here that you might be interested in, like making good friends; belonging to a social group; discovering and maintaining an intimate relationship with a partner; belonging to student organizations; and so on.

However, if you are consistently distressed about your life situation, academic performance, responsibilities, or personal relationships, and you are not able to deal with these issues effectively, the potential exists for you to experience a serious disruption in your normal functioning on a day-to-day basis, which could lead to a shift in your mental health status.

This written information is not intended as a substitute for medical or mental health care advice. Please be sure to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with a professional.