Erica Medina, M.A.

Pronouns she/her/hers
Job Title
Practicum Student
Michigan School of Psychology
Professional Interests:
- First Generation and BIPOC Students
- Latino Identity and Mental Health
- LGBTQ+ Identity in Multicultural Individuals
- Family of Origin Issues
- Adjustment and Transitions
- Depression and Anxiety
Approach to Therapy:
Through my therapeutic approach I intend to integrate the various multicultural and systemic identities and roles which are a part of an individual’s life. It is also my intent to assist an individual in helping understand and process the influence these roles and identities play in the development of thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors which impact their life. In my approach, I believe that everyone is the greatest expert on themselves, and I am here to assist by listening and helping them process their experiences to identify new techniques and strategies to implement into their day to day. Within our work together, I hope to provide a space for individuals to feel empowered and with the skills to confront any potential challenges that may arise for them.
Approach to Wellness:
My approach to wellness focuses on finding balance between all the different areas of my life. I enjoy spending time in gardens, watching television (mostly reality television) and movies, and exploring restaurants, both alone and with my circle of support. I also practice Pilates multiple times a week and find it to be an engaging experience that allows me to exercise both my body and mind.
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