2020 Welcome/Keynote and Roundtables

Summit Welcome and Keynote Discussion: Register HERE


The Summit Welcome will feature an introduction by Ed Huebner, LMSW (UM CAPS Assistant Director) and "Director's Welcome" from Todd Sevig, Ph.D. (UM CAPS Director).


The Keynote Discussion will seek to explore how well we know the “Unique Role, Strength, and Value of Social Work” as we train the next generation of social workers in University/College Counseling Centers (UCCC).  Social workers know that we belong and have something unique to offer the UCCC field, and finding ways to communicate this to our future trainees is essential.  Join us on Tuesday, June 2nd at 1pm EST as we explore who we are and the benefits of hiring social workers as reported by a 2018 Survey of 169 UCCC Directors.  Through a combination of sharing survey results and small breakout group conversations to dialogue and build community, we hope this interactive Keynote provides a space for us to gain a sense of connection and share ideas to inspire ourselves and future UCCC social workers.

The Roundtable Discussion Session will begin shortly after the Keynote:

  • Starting/Building A Social Work Training Program:
    The Starting/Building a Social Work Training Program roundtable will focus on the topic of how training programs for social workers are developed within College Counseling Centers. Discussion can focus on both the administrative components of training program development as well as how to integrate social work trainees into a pre-existing inter-disciplinary training program.
  • The Trainee Experience:
    The Trainee Experience roundtable is a discussion-based meeting for trainees to share our experiences, explore ideas to bolster our training opportunities, and to establish a network of support. Our experience as trainees is unique and uniquely challenging, and we find ourselves in an uncertain time for university counseling centers overall. We will take time to address the unexpected shift in our work due to COVID-19, how it has impacted our training experiences, and how it may impact our future career paths.
  • Equity And Inclusion In Recruitment/Selection Process:
    Equity and inclusion are values that many of our counseling centers hold. How do we enact these values in our recruitment process for trainees? Let's discuss everything from how and where to advertise our positions, to how we make our program a welcoming space for all trainees.
  • Cross Disciplinary Training:
    Most College Counseling Centers with Social Work Training programs train alongside other disciplines.  Navigating these dynamics can be both rewarding and challenging. How do we provide training that acknowledges the differences across fields while also highlighting social worker's strengths?  Are there potential benefits to offering some trainings for social workers only, compared to a multidisciplinary approach?  How do we navigate perceived or real differences across disciplines in order to meet the developmental needs of all.  Join this round table to discuss these and more questions around the topic of cross disciplinary training.
  • Networking and Strategic Support For Social Work Professionals In College Counseling Centers: 
    Social Workers were one of the first mental health providers in college counseling centers. Today, many social workers provide essential services in Counseling centers and we face challenges such as pay disparity, and unclear paths for career advancement. Join this roundtable discussion where we can connect and explore how various counseling centers support social workers along their professional journey. We can utilize this time to discuss innovative, strategic and creative ways to provide and feel supported as well as network with one another. We hope to learn from one another and provide encouragement and support in the process.
  • Aligning Training Experiences with CSWE Competencies: 
    This roundtable provides you with an opportunity to exchange ideas for broadening the scope of learning activities in UCCs that are in alignment with CSWE core competencies that help contribute to the development of optimal SW training programs.