Learning Supports



Two hours per week of individual supervision are provided throughout the year, with opportunities for adjunct supervision as needed.  Fellows have input into the supervision match process; supervision pairs generally change each term (fall, winter, and spring/summer).  Evaluations will be conducted within the supervision dyad at the end of each semester.

Post’ers Seminar/Post'ers Multi-Cultural Seminar

These seminars will meet weekly during the fall and winter terms, with additional training as desired during the spring/summer.  These seminars includes both Post-Docs and Post-MSW’s.  Various topics will be addressed including:

  • Approaches to clinical issues and brief therapy.
  • Professional development such as current topics in the mental health field and job search/career issues.

Supervision of Supervision Seminar

This seminar meets weekly during fall term and provides additional training and discussion to further develop competencies as a clinical supervisor.

Post Graduate Fellowship Specialization and Mentoring

Fellows will allocate time every week to the pursuit of their area of specialization.  Each Fellow will have a staff mentor with specific skills, interests and experiences in the area of specialization chosen by the Fellow.  As with all mentoring relationships, this may take a variety of forms.  This specialization time may also include study for licensure and other professional development activities.

Additional Learning Supports

Assessment Seminar (Optional for Post Docs):  Takes place during orientation and Fall Semester; Fellows will learn CAPS protocols for assessing alcohol and other drug use, eating patterns, and autism spectrum symptoms.

Clinical Team:  One hour per week of peer consultation is provided through participation in clinical teams with all professional staff.

Eating Issues Network:  Two hours monthly; case consultation and outreach planning with CAPS, housing and University Health Service staff (optional).

Professional Development: Fellows are encouraged to participate in two annual conferences (the B1G Counseling Center Conference and the Depression on College Campuses Conference); participation is usually funded by CAPS.

Staff Meetings:  Weekly with full-time interns and permanent staff; includes administrative issues and staff development.

Committees/Work Teams:  Meets monthly; Fellows participate on the Outreach, Training, or Clinical Services working groups to advance the agency mission through continuous assessment and systemic improvements.

Due Process and Grievance:  Fellows will be provided a copy of the due process and grievance procedures in their handbook upon beginning the fellowship.